
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Henri Rousseau Tigers

Materials: Photos/books about tigers (first grade level); 6x9 white paper; Surprise! by Henri Rousseau; black crayon/oil pastel, orange tempera cake paint; green liquid tempera; leaf-shaped sponges; construction paper crayons; newspsper; 9x12 green paper; Tiger/henri Rousseau coloring pages

Day 1
  1. Show the painting "Surprise" by Henri Rousseau to first graders.
  2. Ask students if the tiger looks like a photograph. Is it important to make the tiger look real? Tell how Henri Rousseau had never been to a jungle and used his imagination to draw his jungles.
  3. Show real photos of tigers and tell students they can be as big as a car!
  4. Have students draw tiger with pencil first on 6x9 white paper. Touch 3 sides of the paper.
  5. Go over pencil lines and draw stripes with black crayon or oil pastel.
  6. Have students go to an orange paint station to paint tigers.
  7. Place on drying rack and get Henri Rousseau coloring page.
Day 2
  1. Students will make jungles for the tiger!
  2. Cut out tigers.
  3. Glue on 9x12 green paper.
  4. draw horizion line behind the tiger with black crayon.
  5. With black crayon draw 4 trees in the background and big leaves in the foreground.
  6. Color with construction paper crayon. (sky, trees, grass, leaves)
  7. Students can draw other jungle animals hiding in the leaves too.
  8. Go to green paint station and stamp leaves in the foreground.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Rebecca and I needed Rousseau projects this week at Brock. Perfect timing!
