
Friday, November 19, 2010


I stole this clay gargoyle lesson from Cassie several years ago. The kids LOVE this lesson, the younger ones can't wait to be in 5th grade so they can make their gargoyle. This year I changed it up a little bit. I had an overwhelming number of coffee cans and plastic containers, so I decided that the kids would also make a building for their gargoyle to live on. We looked at and discussed gothic architecture, and then created our buildings on gray paper with sharpies and white colored pencils. They turned out really nice!


  1. I hope you can get back to me right away (as I can see this is 2 years old), how are those little guys standing? I have a bunch of toilet paper rolls and I am wondering if that could work instead of cans. *thoughts?* It would take a lot less clay, but are the gargoyles attached? Love this idea! Thanks for sharing-- I am starting gargoyles tomorrow!

  2. I see the can now...I will have to adapt this to work for my class as I do not have a million cans laying around. Nope, just threw those out yesterday (before I saw this) :(

  3. I used old cheese boxes this year that a grocery store donated. I too did not have a bunch of cans laying around... Anything round that you can turn upside down would work...
